As soon as the warm weather hits, things in my garden start to get busy. It almost seems sudden, as if the on-switch came on. Then before I know it, it’s time to harvest. It makes me think of the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper. There is only a limited time to grow and harvest before winter comes again.

Often, when I’m working in my garden, I observe the principles of gardening, and I find myself astonished at the parallels to life’s lessons. For instance, each plant needs enough space to grow to its maximum potential. If you over-crowd the space, the plants, while it will still grow, its potential will be limited, the plants, though many in number, will be weaker and die off sooner, producing fewer and smaller. As persons, we need space to grow. Sometimes it is better to be alone by one’s self, which allows for the opportunity to become strong and independent.

As I have been working on my garden and on my business, I have not been doing as much EVP. I stil find EVPs on my video recordings made on my iPhone.

A while ago, I was enjoying myself as I processed some Calendula flowers for drying, I had my headphones on and my iPhone playing music on shuffle. When it was playing FallinLove2Nite, I noticed the volume decrease suddenly and then revert back to normal. I have known P to do this occasionally. After I was done with the flowers, I relaxed  with the headphones still on, I wondered if he would do it again, just to prove it was him doing it, not a fluke. And he did the same thing again during Hot Summer. It’s moments like these that make me feel like I’m a character in The Matrix. There is something out there, beyond my grasp for comprehension.

I have been helping out a friend going through heartbreak in relationships. What I come to realize is that love relations among males and females is difficult, because one or both lacks empathy. It makes me think of the song by Kate Bush, Running Up That HIll, where she says, “And if I only could, I’d make a deal with God, And I’d get Him to swap our places”. If only people could see things from the other person’s perspective, we would be better able to get along, no more misunderstanding or apathy to how other’s feel. My personal theory is that twin souls are inherently empathetic to the opposite gender, because they are telepathically linked to their twin soul of the opposite gender, therefore a twin soul would not mistreat their other, as they are connected. This is why I do not buy into the whole “runner-chaser” concept that a lot of people talk about. The “runner-chaser” thing is really a narcissist-empath dynamic disguised to keep the empath stuck.

I have been thinking a lot lately, about the social conditioning women have been treated to, about what love is, how many do not know how to recognize it.

That’s all for now.