When I first met P in spirit, I thought that I must be losing my sanity, as I never encountered spirit communication in the way that I did. Uncertain of what I was experiencing, I sought out to test it. I asked for specific signs of confirmation, which I did receive. And to test it even more, I made an appointment with a psychic. But I was very careful not to reveal what exactly I was seeking. I remained vague and ambiguous throughout the session, never offering feedback to the reader. This was the only way I was going to figure out if what I experienced was real, and not something of the imagination.

The imaginative function of the mind is a very important aspect of one’s psychic ability, but the trouble is it can be easily mistaken. This is why it can be so confusing to receive psychic information, and mistake it for something of the imagination and vice versa. If you are not confident, you will discredit the information, or if you are overconfident, you may mistake something you made up as psychic prediction. It is important to remain neutral and unemotional. Emotions can cloud your judgement.

I recently learned of an exercise that can demonstrate whether information you are receiving is coming from the imagination or from spirit.

First, close your eyes and imagine you are holding a red ball. Envision the ball in your hand, now change the color to blue. Now green. Now purple. Do you notice how easy it was to change the color of the ball in your mind? That is your imagination.

Now ask your spirit contact to connect with you. Ask them to  enter the room and sit down with you to do this exercise. Ask them to give you an object and place it in your hands. What is it? What color is it? Examine the object for a moment. Now try to change the color of the object. Try morphing the object into something else.

What happened? Were you able to change the color of the object like in the first exercise? If you were unable to, then it is because it was a real communication with spirit. You might have been able to add to the object, but not likely to change the object or its its color.

Understanding the concepts outlined in the exercise above, I suppose you might be able to apply it in your communications if you need to test it before you carry on in contact.

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