To persons unacquainted with the paranormal, many of the claims I make on this blog can sound too good to be true. Even at times, I feel like what has happened to me is unbelievable. I always make a concerted effort to provide evidence for my claims. This is why I document things and write in detail about my experiences. 

However to those too new to a subject area, they can be easily fooled by attention-seeking liars, unaware fools, or by those of the truly crazy sort. A crazy person is not necessarily a “liar” because their intent is different from a faker; they truly believe their own lies; their testimony cannot be relied upon. Their lack of mental functioning allows them to make bold unproven claims without any hesitation whatsoever. 

Unfortunately, I find this happens a lot in “spiritual communities” on the Internet, where no one seems to demand proof of one’s claim of psychic, channeling, or mediumship. This demographic of peoples are so open to psychic phenomenon that they do not necessary approach such claims with skepticism. Nobody’s mental faculties are questioned. This can be a real disservice to those who are striving to find the truth. There is too much contradicting information. It becomes a war of information. Who is telling the truth?

Just as there are many credible, intelligent people involved in these communities, there are just as many ungrounded, crazy people who are making online content. This is the Internet, the wild, wild west. Anyone can have their say. But with this buffet of information, one ought to be discerning. One should not fill up on junk info. One must make a judgement call on whether or not an individual is worth paying attention to.   

The truly delusional cannot see the holes in their stories. To them, their thought pattern is normal, they cannot begin to think that what they have to say will not resonate with a sound minded person. Certain spiritual communities can perpetuate “crazy thinking” with particular teachings, and cause mentally vulnerable people to believe unquestioningly. For instance, to preach the concept of synchronicity, some people go to greater extremeness and think that everything that occurs is a sign from God or the universe. Every random thing they encounter in their daily life is a sign. Some even break their own “rules” to insist that something is a sign when it lear doesn’t fit their own criteria of what a sign is. Something that is truly synchronistic is perfect in its entity, it does not need your justifications. Some people spend all day looking for signs. A sign doesn’t need to be found. It presents itself to you in the right moment.  

The topic of twin flames is popular among spiritual groups. People seem to go around in circles, relying on poor sources of information to justify their claims. Is it any wonder that people would doubt my claims at first glance? I certainly do not blame them. So many people are exhibiting signs of twin flame delusion; obsessive compulsive behaviour about finding out who their twin flame is, stalking a person who is not reciprocating their affectionate feelings towards them, mistaking their fantasies about a person being their twin flame as reality.

However, just because people who discuss the topic are displaying crazy behaviour, doesn’t mean the phenomenon is not real.

It is unfortunate that some that are with mental disorder, have grabbed onto the idea of twin flames, and they go out in public forums making a display of themselves, while encourage the same behaviour from their peers. As a writer on the topic of twin souls, I receive all kinds of email messages from readers; people who are genuinely touched by what I have written, people with wild claims that want me to agree with them, and people who are concerned about their loved ones behaviour in regards to twin flames. 

Sadly, as much as I would like to help with the latter, I cannot. I have consulted for some that wanted to better understand the twin soul phenomenon, only to conclude that their loved ones claims of twin souls are unsubstantiated. Mental disorder is a serious issue that must be handled by professionals. Someone with mental illness cannot hear the truth. They perceive themselves as normal, and their lack of rational thinking ability will only clash with you when you try to reason with them. No amount of evidence will convince them otherwise. They are attached to an ideology and only until they let go of it, can they come back to their senses. 

I was trained as a life skills coach in 2013. In my training, we created lists to identify behaviour. The only means of help that I can offer to anyone trying to discern if someone is telling them the truth about their experiences, is to identify to you what rational behaviour looks like compared to delusional behaviour. (Disclaimer: this is not to be used to take the place of professional help, you should seek professional opinion if you are unsure. These behavioural inventories are meant to be taken as a guide for identifying behaviours, but not meant to take the place of a seeking professional help. ).

Rational Behaviour

  • They provide a plausible explanations or evidence when making a claims.
  • They are skeptical about what they may have experienced and demonstrate critical thinking.
  • They have a proven track record that they tare honest.
  • They are free of substance abuse and eat a healthy diet that supports brain function.
  • They take their time coming to a conclusion about a situation.
  • They exhibit good, overall mental capacity.
  • They act calmly and they are emotionally balanced.
  • Their stories about their expereicnes are consistent.
  • Their interaction with you is forthcoming.
  • They have no history of mental illness.
  • They are honest with themselves and want to hear honest feedback from others.
  • They distance themselves from known liars. 

Delusional Behaviour

  • They provide explanations that are illogical, erroneous, and self-contradictory.
  • They believe without questioning what their experiences are and accept new ideas too easily.
  • They have proven over time that they lie and are not credible.
  • They are involved in substance abuse and/or eat a poor diet.
  • They are quick to jump to conclusions.
  • They exhibit poor, overall mental capacity.
  • They act erratically and they are emotionally unstable (eg. mood swings).
  • Their stories about their experiences keep changing and the details are inconsistent.
  • They try to hide facts or inconsistencies about their behaviour, hoping that you will not notice.
  • They have a history of having been diagnosed wit mental illness.
  • They lie to themselves and react badly to honest feedback from others. 
  • They associate themselves with known liars. 

If they demonstrate rational behaviour as described above, then you should not worry about them. I framed this article in the context of twin souls and belief in the paranormal, but these behaviours apply in general. I mentioned the part about diet because a poor diet lacking in good sources of cholesterol from animal fats can affect brain function, and cause mental illness. If they are exhibiting delusional behaviour as described above, then the person should be receiving professional help, the person could be struggling with psychosis.

It is important to recognize that someone showing signs of delusional behaviour is not necessarily a “bad person”. People can behave this way if they are mentally weak, it could be part of a physical aspect of amental condition. Love the person, not the behaviour. If you confront a person showing these signs, be sure that you are not criticizing them as a person, but that you are concerned with their behaviour.

Image above: “Let’s Go Crazy” by Prince in spirit.

©2018 by Andrea Mai. All rights reserved.